There are no simple words to describe the feeling given by this movie. “Message in a bottle” is a movie about past love and new beginnings. Kevin Costner and Robin Wright Penn are Garret and Theresa, two people living in different cities which come to meet other through the help of love letters placed in bottles and thrown into the sea. It is very difficult to explain how this movie manages to impress the audience though words and feelings so I have decided to give you one of the letters from “Message in a bottle” and maybe you can get an idea about how this movie managed to impress me…
To all the ships at sea...and all the ports of call.
To my family...and to all friends and strangers.
This is a message and a prayer.
The message is that my travels taught me a great truth.
l already had what everyone is searching for...and few ever find:
The one person in the world...who l was born to love forever.
A person like me, of the Outer Banks...and the blue Atlantic mystery.
A person rich in simple treasures...self-made, self-taught.
A harbor where l am forever home.
And no wind or trouble...or even a little death can knock down this house.
The prayer is that everyone in the world can know this kind of love...and be healed by it.
lf my prayer is heard, then there will be an erasing of all guilt...and all regret...and an end to all anger.
Please, God.
To my family...and to all friends and strangers.
This is a message and a prayer.
The message is that my travels taught me a great truth.
l already had what everyone is searching for...and few ever find:
The one person in the world...who l was born to love forever.
A person like me, of the Outer Banks...and the blue Atlantic mystery.
A person rich in simple treasures...self-made, self-taught.
A harbor where l am forever home.
And no wind or trouble...or even a little death can knock down this house.
The prayer is that everyone in the world can know this kind of love...and be healed by it.
lf my prayer is heard, then there will be an erasing of all guilt...and all regret...and an end to all anger.
Please, God.
one of the best movies
ReplyDeleteRecunosc - nu am vazut filmul dar la prima vedere pare foarte bun. Ma voi uita zilele astea daca o sa fiu melancolic si voi dori o doza de romantism in viata mea :)
ReplyDeleteEste un film foarte melancolic... mi-a placut ideea asta de a arunca mesaje oarecum la intamplare in mare...stai si te gandesti...oare chiar ajunge cineva sa le citeasca? :)