I don’t know what’s more amazing about the movie “Se7en”: the amazing actors or the ingenious script. You have to admit, one movie gets a special touch when the leading roles of 2 detectives are played by Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt. We have Kevin Spacey in the role of the criminal mastermind and Gwyneth Paltrow is the beautiful wife of Detective Mills.
The movie revolves around a series of crimes and an investigation led by Detective Somerset (Freeman) – one man who was ready to retire before he got forced into accepting this one last case – and Detective Mills (Pitt) – a young and recently married cop with a promotion a bit too big for what he can handle. When an obese man and a lawyer are murdered only to reveal the words GLUTTONY and GREED written at the crime scenes, the two detectives discover that these are two of the deadly sins that Dante wrote about in the “Divine Comedy”: gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, lust, pride and envy. That means there are still 5 crimes to be committed.
With shocking scenes and an unexpected ending, this has got to be one of the best thrillers I’ve seen so far. Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt play their two roles impeccably as the old and wise and the young and ambitious. The movie can become confusing when the identity of the killer is revealed too soon but I can assure you, it is worth watching until the grand finally.
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